Previously I posted details of special features that would be included on the Series Four DVD (due out 8th of August). The notable absentee was episode commentaries, because at the time there wasn’t any news of them, but I like most fans did, thought this meant episodes and participants were still to be finalised, after all these have usually been the last details we get about a DVD release. Unfortunately it would appear that isn’t the reason. Three leading DVD magazines have all reviews 24: Series Four on DVD, and all have made comment about the lack of commentaries and the BBFC has yet to classify any. So either they are leaving it unbelievably late, or there will be no commentaries included. I fear it’s the later. If anything changes I’ll have it up here soon as I get it. To take the sting out of there being no commentaries, there have been two new extras added to the release since I lasted posted details. First off it will include the 20 minute short film that Nissan made and cut up into 15 second or so segments to show during the shows run. There is also 24: Conspiracy, the made for mobile 24 spin-off series.