“… I discovered a terrific 24 experience wrapped around a mediocre, run of the mill third person shooter game … All of the components that make the show unique and give it that 24 flavor are present- the split screens, the ever-present clock, the characters, the mood, the settings … The developers really did succeed in creating an authentic 24 experience that does make you feel like you’re a part of the show.The visuals are impressive, particularly within the cutscenes. Each character is rendered very well, and the face scans of the main characters are all very well done … Sutherland and Carlos Bernard’s mugs are the most faithfully rendered, … Others, like Kim Bauer or Michelle Dessler, are less authentic, but overall the renderings and range of emotion present on the faces is quite the feat to achieve on the PS2 …
… The story is pretty good- obviously, there are limitations on the plotline in any video game, but this is a workmanlike plot that allows the developers to include every 24 trope you can think of. Ladies get kidnapped, Jack threatens people, Jack disobeys orders and does other Bauer-ly things. That’s as far as I’ll go, story wise, but I don’t think fans of the show will be let down.
If you’re a fan of the show, the trappings of 24 will suck you in and keep you entertained. If you’ve come for gameplay alone, look elsewhere, and your money will be much better spent.”
This the first real review of the 24 Game that I have come across, which has just been released in the U.S., and is due for release in the U.K. on the 17th of March.
Source : ps2.ign.com