“Well, the good people at the Fox Network are doing their best to get loyal 24 fans into a tizzy. I hope they don’t think we’d forget all about the show because we have to wade through those pesky new fall programs that are NOT graced with all things Bauer? Jeez Louise, Fox – you’ve got to know that we all have those calendars, patiently marking down the days until January 14, 2007 8:00 PM ET. Instead of big red Xs, we’re using thumbnail photos of President Logan, a circle with a line through it superimposed over his scowling visage.So, though fans need absolutely no reminding, … Part of the fun of waiting for anything is to kibitz, commiserate and speculate on possible plot lines. Well, today, October 24, Fox is launching a sneaky peeky 24 trailer to tease us with glimpses of Season Six. They are also broadcasting it on the News Corporation’s Panasonic Astrovision screen in New York City’s Times Square. News Corporation is the Fox network’s parent company.
Wow, six years already? Could 24 be headed toward the category of long running shows such as The Simpsons, Seventh Heaven, Cheers, and ER? We’d love to see our crew be around for a long time, yet they only seem to thrive on disaster. That can’t be too good for their collective blood pressure or morale in general. And you know the general mood and characters are a bit too somber for real life.”
source : blogcritics.org
“At the end of 24’s fifth season, Bauer was taken hostage by Chinese agents and spirited away into the hold of a cargo ship bound for China. The trailer promises to give a glimpse into what will become of the tough guy at the hands of his captors.
In August, 24 won three Emmys–Best Drama, Best Actor, and Best Directing. 24 returns Sunday, January 14, with a two-night, four-hour season premiere.”
source : tv.com