It’s finally Kim’s turn for the character banner.
Kim Bauer – 22%
Aaron Pierce – 20%
Bill Buchanan – 19%
Audrey Raines – 9%
Edgar Stiles – 9%
Mike Novick – 6%
Charles Logan – 5%
Curtis Manning – 5%
Wayne Palmer – 5%
Sherry Palmer – 3%
The new poll asks which out of a list of 20 possible choices is your favourite TV drama apart from 24?. Many people will probably ask why certain things aren’t listed, but there are some many possibles (one reason there are 20 choices instead of the usual 10), that I first had to narrow the field to just one hour dramas (or close in Doctor Who’s case) since that’s what 24 is. Then decided that it would have to be current shows only (those that have aired new episodes fairly recently or will do sometime in 2008). Then simply found some stats on the most popular shows. Still i’ll freely admit there’s probably something really obvious i’ve missed. Sorry.
It’s about time… I LOVE ELISHA CUTHBERT!!!