So i’ve told you what I think about series six so far by way of my episode reviews, but now I want to hear your opinion by way of the site’s new polls. In the right sidebar is a poll asking you to rate season 6 so far, and if you navigate your way to the day six episode guides you will find polls to rate the 6 episodes shown so far. I’ll be adding polls for every new episode, and at the end of the season i’ll total the scores and we’ll find out your verdict on the best episodes of the season.
Category Archives: The Site
Episodes 5 & 6 Reviewed
“These were two ambitious episodes, in many ways more so than the opening four which where in safer more tried and tested ground for the show. These took a huge leap into the unknown, if they didn’t come off it would take a while before the series could get itself back to more stable territory.”
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I Review Episodes 1,2,3 & 4
Okay, so I thought with my efforts to bring 24fans styling up to date I would also make the effort to start writing reviews again.
The following is a review of the first four episodes, because they together formed such a complete whole.
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Find future reviews by navigating your way to Day Six >> Reviews
New 24…fans
What you see before you is the newest version of It’s not exactly how i’d like it right now, but by the time series six starts on Sunday, it should be pretty close. Over time most of the old content will be transferred across, whilst I also add new content. I’ve made this switch so that in the future it’s easier for me to maintain and add new content.
Also on this main section i’ll be putting all the old news articles, two years worth, but now they will be in an easier to search and find form.
The new day starts now.
Day Five premiere
A quick note to explain that the sites recent downtime was unavoidable, it’s taken me some time to get it back up, which is why updates have been a little slow. But now that Day Five has premiered in the states updates will get back to normal. Back on the subject of the Day Five Premiere, the internet has been going crazy for it as usual, here’s some quick quotes. All articles have specific details about the premiere, so if you don’t want to know details then don’t click the links.
“I’m really thinking/hoping this is going to be one of 24’s best seasons yet, because the producers have already surrounded Jack who must remain distant, ruthless, and poker-faced with lots of cleverly conceived new and returning characters … What do you think? Are you hooked yet, or are you waiting to see what happens before you commit to this season? And do you have any theories on what the big conspiracy will turn out to be?”
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“It’s gonna be one of those days for Jack Bauer … The trademark combination of soap opera with extreme action is one of the keys to 24’s success. There is something for everyone … I will be watching tonight. I just wish they could show 2 hours a night for the next eleven days. I am addicted, and do not look forward to 6 days a week of withdrawal over the next three months.”
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24: Sweepstakes
Just been emailed this rather brash ‘statement’ regarding the all new ’24 Sweepstakes’ it reads as follows… “Attention 24 Fans
Log on for your chance to win one of 24 $24,000 Grand Prizes!
It’s the 24 $24,000 Sweepstakes!
’24’ — The award winning hit show comes to you on weekends.
Experience ’24’ from The Beginning …”
And so it goes on, it’s all to publize 24 going into syndication in the U.S., to find out more about the sweepstakes, and about the shows syndication click the link below
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DVD News & Views
American visitors are sick to the back teeth of news regarding the UK release of series four, since you won’t get yours until Christmas, but since good things come to thoose who wait, as I will explain, you shouldn’t. The UK DVD is out tomorrow, and as I reported last week it will have atleast two, and unfortunately from reports from forum members who had there copies delivered early, that’s all it’s got. So two, not bad, except other information I’ve been getting, along with posts on the official Fox forum suggests the U.S. release will have as many as 12 (or two per disc), so if any UK visitors can bare to wait and can play region 1 dvd’s I’d advise waiting for the U.S. DVD. I myself can’t stand to wait for longer than I have already, nor can I play U.S. DVD’s, so I’ll be up tomorrow, waiting for the post and my copy and I’ll have a review up within the next week.
On a last, self-serving note, visitors may be interested to know that I, the Site and the 24 DVD, got a mention in former BBC writer William Gallagher’s DVD Review Podcast, if you’ve got a spare ten minutes or so it makes for a good listen.