All posts by hardy24

’24’ to get fifth series?

The 24 Fanatic is currently linking to an article on Aint It Cool News which says that David Fury a writer on TV show ‘Lost‘ has “signed on as the new co-executive producer on ‘24,’ helping to ruin Jack Bauer’s fifth day.” This is a long way off being official confirmation of a fifth series, but fourth series ratings in the states are looking very good and with a ps2 game out later this year, ’24’ looks like slowly becoming the sort of cash cow FOX have a hard time resisting.

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24: thinly disguised propaganda?

“… Its propaganda value is revealed in story lines that promote racist stereotypes of Arab Americans and other ethnic groups. Even more politically insidious, this year’s season is replete with scenes of torture administered to various suspected terrorists or their associates by US government operatives. 24 offers such stomach-turning scenes every week … Moreover, this systematic presentation of torture is intended to inure the population and convey the message that this barbaric treatment is somehow acceptable in the ‘global war on terror.’ The torture scenes in 24 are obviously based on real incidents such as those inflicted by prison guards and interrogators at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, or carried out by foreign government operatives against prisoners “rendered” by the US to other countries. Incidents and allegations of such torture are now found regularly in the pages of US newspapers.

This season, two major themes have emerged in the story lines that serve a definite right-wing agenda. Blatant anti-Arab sentiments that parallel the calls for racial profiling of people of Arab descent or Islamic religious convictions flow from the way the principal characters are presented in this year’s season.”

That is just a short clipit from an article discussing the view that the current series of 24 is being used as Neo Conversative propaganda. It makes some valid points even if it’s blighted by some hatred of those it is discussing.

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FOX gives two encores for shocking episode

“The next episode of 24 to air in the States is said to be so “shocking” that FOX has scheduled two encores. ‘The episode is so gripping that two additional airings have been scheduled to ensure viewers an opportunity to catch this critical and controversial turning point,’ said the network in a statement today. ‘Leading into the final heart-stopping hours, this episode will leave viewers gasping and is certain to be the most talked-about hour in the show’s four thrilling seasons.'”

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24: The Game Confirmed!

“… Sony Computer Entertainment Europe today announced an exclusive licence deal with Twentieth Century Fox to bring the acclaimed show ‘24‘ onto PlayStation 2. Set to become the biggest action adventure game of the year, ’24: The Game’ lets gamers take control and live a ‘brand new day’ in the life of Jack Bauer … Developed by … Cambridge Studio, and in a working partnership with … the TV show’s producers, directors, scriptwriters and stars, ’24: The Game’ is set between seasons two and three and provides the answers to many unanswered questions: who was really behind the assassination attempt on President Palmer? How did Kim Bauer get a job in the L.A. CTU? How did Jack Bauer and Chase Edmunds first start working together? The game has jaw-dropping revelations for ’24’ fans and thrilling, non-stop time-pressure gameplay.

Featuring many of the stars from the first three seasons, ’24: The Game’ showcases the most extensive cast of Hollywood actors ever seen in a game. Their voices, likenesses and characters have been faithfully captured and recreated so players really become Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland), Kim Bauer (Elisha Cuthbert), Tony Almeida (Carlos Bernard) and other characters from the show.

’24: The Game’ has multiple character plots and strands and over 100 missions covering multiple genres of game-play including:

– on-foot sections with shooting, stealth, puzzles and sniping;
– driving challenges varying from stealthy tailing to high-speed pursuits;
– interrogations where you have to coerce information out of suspects and
– gadget sections including decoding information and examining satellite images

High production values make the whole 24 game experience completely authentic. The game’s music has been written by the TV show’s award-winning composer Sean Callery, and an all-new script has been penned by 24 show writer Duppy Demetrius in collaboration with the 24 production team.

The game also includes all signature graphical devices and sound effects; uses the unique visual style with cut-scenes produced in conjunction with the series’ creator and cinematographer and multi panel windows showing concurrent plot developments as they happen.

Gamers who think they can cope with a brand new day in Jack Bauer’s shoes should look no further than ’24: The Game’ coming exclusively to PlayStation 2 this autumn.”

That is from an official press release, yes it’s official. To get even more excited than you are right now, you can watch a trailer/preview of the game with voice-over/introduction from Kiefer.

game preview : – username : preview, password : C3%qt24

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for those with a slower connection who are having trouble watching the preview, I’ve put some screenshots up.

preview screenshots : screenshots.html

You can find screenshots of the game itself at

game screenshots :

’24’ brings issue of torture home

“In the post-9/11 world, torture has hit the public radar in news reports about Abu Ghraib, congressional questioning of Cabinet nominees and, increasingly, as a featured interrogation tactic on … 24. As politicians, pundits and the public debate extreme interrogation, 24 — which is enjoying a surge in critical praise and a 32% jump in viewers this season — has jumped to action …

For 24’s producers, … ‘It goes with the 24 conceit that we need information and don’t have days to break this person …’ Howard Gordon says …

Alistair Hodgett of Amnesty International credits 24 and A&E’s MI-5, which follows the British security service, with realistic depictions that provide ‘a clearer idea of what torture involves … They do more to educate than desensitize.’

Gordon says 24 taps into the public’s ‘fear-based wish fulfillment’ of having protectors, such as Bauer, who will do whatever is necessary to save society from harm … ‘In some ways, he is a necessary evil.'”

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Kiefer among Canada’s Walk of Fame inductees

“This year’s list includes … Kiefer Sutherland (who now joins his acting parents Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas on the Walk) … … To be eligible, a nominee must have been born in Canada or spent their formative or creative years here, had a minimum of 10 years experience in the field and had a national or international impact on Canada’s cultural heritage …

… Each year, the public at large submits thousands of recommendations, which then go to a review committee of Canadian peers. After the committee’s evaluation, the names go before the Walk of Fame board of directors, which makes the annual selection.

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