7AM – 9AM – “After so many months us devoted UK fans can take the boxset of repeat and sit back and relax to enjoy some new ’24’. Because I saw the first two hours as one whole, i’m going to review them as such, because otherwise i’d find it very hard to separate my thoughts between the two episodes…”
9AM – 10AM – “After the relatively cold reception I gave the fourth series premiere in my review last week, I very much wanted this third episode to come out all guns blazing and let me hail a return to form for ’24’. Unfortunately, I simply can’t do so, I just wouldn’t sleep right…”
10AM – 11AM – “Where to start?, like most reviews I’m really not sure, but I think maybe I shouldn’t open with a barrage of insults so that thoose of you who have liked series four so far keep on reading, so here goes nothing. On the whole it as better than last week, but that’s about all it had going for it…”
12PM – 1PM – “The difficult thing with reviewing the show is that it hard to keep a consistent benchmark to which to judge the most recent episode by, to you judge it by my rose-tinted view of the best episodes ’24’ has ever had?…”
1PM – 2PM – “It’s two days after I saw this episode on tape and my excitement over it’s final minutes has hardly deminished, and I’m sure you know why. Yes Tony Almeida (played by Carlos Bernard) riding in like the cavalry raised many an excited and surprised cheer…”
3PM – 4PM – “Previously all my reviews have been retrospective ones with me sitting ay my computer, trying to remember my thoughts on the episodes. This week I thought I would do it a little different, as I wrote down notes while I was watching the episode. Not a clue if it will be any good…”
4PM – 5PM – “…Overall the episode continued the series steady thickening of the plot and gave us one very memorable action piece, although again the cliffhangers lacked that extra spark which normally leaves us begging for more.”
5PM – 6PM – “Okay so the write notes while I watch the episode method was doing well, but my brother nicked my tape of the episode to show a friend and it’s wednesday, so I can’t do that this week. So I’m gonna just have to wing this one, here goes nothing…”
7PM – 8PM – “I didn’t get chance to review the last episode, which was a shame because it was a very good episode, and the EMP bomb was an outrageous idea which they pulled off very well without blowing loads on an expensive effect…”
8PM – 9PM – “This was so very close, very very close to being the best episode of the series so far, from the opening minutes it looked good, they left out the ‘fox thinks your all thick so were gonna remind you whats happening every five minutes so you don’t get lost and turn off’ moments…”
10PM – 11PM – “This is probably one of the hardest episodes so far to review because it has me completely torn, not just torn like I usually am over series four so far, where it’s not been up to past standards, and yet it’s still 24 and so something in my brain tells me it must be good…”
1AM – 2AM – “…with all briefing scenes … episodes take a while to get going, it looses momentum … and means that what it would usually fit into 40 minutes, it now has to do in 35 or even 30 minutes. On the DVD they really should have an option to cut all those scenes out, then it would be quite a ride.”
4AM – 5AM – “…Jack going all ‘stealth’ as Seth Cohen would say was incredible fun to watch, as he sneaked into the Chinese consulate, although I can’t help but think that they missed some of the potential of that scene, it felt like they needed to get it over and done…”
6AM – 7AM – “…to paraphrase something I wrote on the sites forum after seeing the episodes ‘it took them 22 episodes but they finally got there.’..I think to use these two episodes as a barometer for the entire series would do these final two hours a distinict diservice…”